Wheat Variety
trial manual
An ever-changing list of wheat varieties available to Oklahoma wheat producers necessitates evaluation and comparison of hard red and hard white winter wheat varieties currently being sold. The primary objective of this research is to provide farmers, Extension personnel, seedsmen, and consultants the necessary information to make well-informed decisions as to what variety will work best at a particular location.

Oklahoma Small Grains Variety Performance Tests 2022-2023
Oklahoma Small Grains Variety Performance Tests 2022-2023

Oklahoma Small Grains Variety Performance Tests, 2021-2022
Oklahoma Wheat Variety Trial Results 2021-2022

Oklahoma Small Grains Variety Performance Tests, 2020-2021
Oklahoma Wheat Variety Trial Results 2020-2021

2020-2021 Small Grains Variety Performance Tests
Oklahoma Wheat Variety Trial Results 2020-2021

Oklahoma Small Grains Variety Performance Tests, 2019-2020
Oklahoma Wheat Variety Trial Results 2019-2020

Oklahoma Small Grains Variety Performance Tests 2018-2019
Oklahoma Wheat Variety Trial Results 2018-2019

Oklahoma Small Grains Variety Performance Tests 2017-2018
Oklahoma Wheat Variety Trial Results 2017-2018

Oklahoma Small Grains Variety Performance Tests 2016-2017
Oklahoma Wheat Variety Trial Results 2016-2017
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