Where the
waving wheat

sure smells sweet

Oklahoma Wheat


Stories of Stewardship

The U.S. Wheat Associates “Stories of Stewardship” series has been released. We are proud to highlight this episode featuring Tom Cannon, a wheat farmer and cattle rancher from Blackwell. Cannon operates Good Ranch — his family operation — with his wife and children.

Oklahoma Wheat Brief Newsletter – Fall 2024

The Fall 2024 WheatBrief is hot off the press! Read about the consideration of a checkoff increase, the USDA approval of HB4 drought tolerant trait, Oklahoma hosting the U.S. Wheat summer national meeting, trade teams and more …

Best of Wheat Cookbook now available

The Best of Wheat Cookbook, featuring the winners of the 2024 Best of Wheat Bread Contest, is now available. Check out the prize-winning recipes.

Graze ‘N Grain Wheat Program in Oklahoma

There’s something unique about cattle grazing bright green winter wheat here in Oklahoma. The relationship between farming wheat and cattle brings sustainability for the environment and increased opportunity for Oklahoma’s farmers and ranchers.

Producers seek ideal wheat with OSU varieties

Oklahoma State University varieties continue to lead planted acres of Hard Red Winter Wheat across the state of Oklahoma, according to the March 2024 “Oklahoma Variety Report” from the USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service. For the sixth year in a row, the top five leading wheat varieties planted in the state were developed by OSU, with another three listed in the top 10.

Warm up this winter with chicken and dumplings

Try this savory Chicken and Dumpling Soup — the perfect winter meal for flavor and warmth.



Fuel your day: The power of a healthy wheat breakfast 

They say breakfast is the most important meal of the day — and they’re right! But not all breakfasts are created equal. Starting your day with a nutritious wheat-based meal can provide […]

Wheat: A tasty and nutritious way to give your kids more fiber 

As a mom, you’re always looking for ways to give your kids the best nutrition. Fiber is one of the most important things children need for a healthy diet. Luckily, […]

USDA Report Shows OSU Wheat Varieties Glean Greater Value to Producers

The Oklahoma Wheat Commission will hold an election to fill the District V board seat opening. The election will be held Tuesday, June 30th, 2020, commencing at 1 p.m A […]

Meet the


Commission Members:

Seated from left are Michael Peters, District III Director; and David Gammill, District IV Director. Standing from left are Jerry Wiebe, Secretary-Treasurer; R.J. Parrish, Vice Chairman; and Don Schieber, Chairman.