OK Wheat


Discover the science of wheat!
These engaging student lesson plans explore the fascinating science behind the wheat plant, from seed to harvest. Students will learn about wheat’s life cycle, its role in agriculture, plus the science of growth, photosynthesis and soil health. Featuring hands-on activities and real-world applications, these lessons provide a comprehensive understanding of wheat’s importance in ecosystems and food production. Perfect for inspiring curiosity and a deeper connection to the natural world!

Step #1

Oklahoma Wheat Primer Course


Please follow this link to the Oklahoma Wheat Industry Primer course.

The primer course is asynchronous for students (they can navigate it on a computer, tablet, phone, etc. And need no guidance as they work through the course).

Wheat Genetics


Below are the course handouts for the lesson and student guide:

PowerPoint Test File

Nitrogen Cycle


Below are the course handouts for the lesson and student guide:

PowerPoint Test File