Oklahoma Harvest Report
By: The Oklahoma Wheat Commission
Thursday, June 6, 2024
Southwest and Western Oklahoma
Grandfield/Chattanooga/Lawton-This region has been plagued by heavy rains this past week. Areas around Chattanooga received 4 to 5 inches of moisture while Grandfield and Lawton also received 1 inch to 1 ½ inches of moisture. Test weight has dropped slightly in all regions with some weights now coming in at 58lbs. to 59lbs. per bushel. Yields are still favorable ranging from the low 40’s to low 50’s. Protein averages being reported from 10.5% to 12%, with overall average at 11.0% to 11.2% These locations reporting 60 percent complete.
Altus/Roosevelt/Lone Wolf/Hobart-Wheat harvest in this region has been slowed by rains and high humidity days early in the week, but in most of these locations harvest got rolling again yesterday. Test weights have dropped slightly this week but this region still holding 61lb. to 62lb. test weight averages depending on location. Yields reported as ranging from the low 40’s to mid 50’s. Some higher intensively managed wheat making in the low 60’s to low 70’s. Proteins in the region ranging from 9% to 14%. Protein average for the region coming in at 11.5%. These locations reporting 30 to 35 percent complete.
Apache-Harvest has been slower to start in this region with the on and off rains the past two weeks. Before the rains test weights were 61 lbs. to 63 lbs. per bushel. Test weights have dropped some but certain varieties are proving to hold up better. Yields being reported making low 40’s to low 50’s. Some highly intensive managers reporting yields in the 60’s to 70’s at this location, which tends to always be a bright spot for production. Early protein reports show an average of 11.2% to 11.5%. This area is 7 percent complete.
Cordell-Harvest got started again late yesterday afternoon in this area. Test weights have dropped slightly with the rains this past week and are ranging from 59 lbs. to 61 lbs. per bushel. Many varieties are still holding up well even with the rains. Yields ranging from the mid 40’s to mid 50’s. Proteins in this area are averaging 12%. This location is reporting 15 to 20 complete.
Central Oklahoma
Reeding/Kingfisher/Omega/Okeene-Test weights ranging from 60 lbs. to 62 lbs. per bushel, as they have dropped slightly with the rains but overall are holding up. Yields ranging from mid 40’s to low 50’s for the most part. Some higher yields have been noted in low to mid 60’s on fields with some pushing 70 on wheat that was intensively managed. Protein ranging from 9% to 13.5%. Right now it is looking like an 11.0% to 11.2% average for the region. Harvest in the Kingfisher locations reported at 20 percent complete. Rains in the Omega/Loyal and Reeding areas hindered progress and are 10% complete.
Northern Oklahoma
Kremlin/Hunter/Lamont-Early cuttings showing test weight ranging from 60 lbs. to 62 lbs. per bushel as producers got into fields late yesterday in this area. Yields ranging in the low 40’s to low 50’s on early cuttings. Early reports on protein showing an 11.5% to 12% average. These locations reporting less than 5 percent complete.
Tonkawa/Blackwell–Harvest still at a standstill at the time of this report today, due to heavy rains. These regions reporting less than 5 percent complete.
Burlington-Last night harvest got a good start in this region. Test weights are ranging from 59 lbs. to 62 lbs. per bushel depending on variety. No yields on early cutting being reported but it is thought in some areas that production will be better than what was previously thought. Locations based on rainfall and planting dates are showing their will be two different crops in this region. Early protein reports ranging from 12% to 14%. This region reporting less than 5% complete.
Panhandle of Oklahoma
Turpin/Baker/Hooker-Cutting on dryland wheat has begun out by Turpin and Baker. Nothing had been taken in at Hooker as of this morning. Yields ranging from 20 to 50 bushels depending on location and planting date. No test weights or proteins reported at this time.
Northeast Oklahoma
Afton/Miami-No wheat has been taken in at these locations as of today. Producers were hopeful to start cutting late this afternoon.
General Report
Reports in all locations show test weights ranging from 59 to 65 lbs. per bushel for the most part. We have some regions now reporting some 58 lb. to 59 lb. test weights in parts of southern Oklahoma, but overall most test weights are still holding at 60 lbs. or higher across the state. Proteins ranging from 9% to 13.5%, with an overall average of proteins being reported higher than last week now at 11.7%. Early yields being reported at 40 to 50 bushels per acre in most regions. Higher yields being reported on intensively managed wheat with some yields on a few fields being reported in the mid 60’s to low 70’s. It is thought that in parts of northwest Oklahoma the wheat in some areas has recovered, however there are still several parts in far northwest Oklahoma and the Panhandle that will have lower yields due to persistent drought. The Oklahoma Wheat Commission is calling the state 25% complete with harvest. The next Oklahoma Wheat Commission Harvest report will be published on Monday, June 10, 2024.
Below, see the 7-day forecast and storm potential outlook for this evening thru the weekend provided by the Oklahoma Mesonet.

Photos courtesy of Wyatt Merry, custom harvester from Texhoma, Oklahoma.