Oklahoma Harvest Report
By: The Oklahoma Wheat Commission
Thursday, May 23, 2024
Oklahoma wheat harvest made good strides the last few days in parts of Southwest, Oklahoma. Producers as far North in the Okarche and Reeding area also were able to start earlier in the week before rains delayed progress on Wednesday morning. Samples and small cuttings were taken in at Greenfield. Cooler temperatures made for a late start in a lot of areas yesterday. High humidity, cloudy weather, with fog and mist today have hindered anything being cut this morning. Predicted rains late this afternoon/evening and over the weekend most likely will stall progress over the Memorial Day weekend. Wheat being taken in at all locations show favorable yields and quality.
Devol/Grandfield/Chattanooga-This area has taken in a lot of wheat over the past 5 to 7 days, with approximately 15 percent of the crop harvested. Yields are ranging from the low 20’s to high 40’s for the most part. Heavily grazed wheat having the lower yields. It has been noted some intensively managed fields have been yielding 50, with a few yields in the lower 70’s being reported. Test weights ranging from 60lbs. to 65lbs. per bushel. Protein averages being reported from 10.5% to 12%, with the overall average being around 11.0% to 11.2%.
Frederick-Great strides have been made in this area until cooler temperatures and higher humidities yesterday. Yields being reported from as low as 25 to as high as 50 bushels per acre depending on management and whether or not it was grazed. Test weights reported from 60lbs. to 63lbs. per bushel. Protein average at 10.5%
Altus/Lone Wolf-Yields in this region mainly ranging from 35 to 40 bushels per acre. A couple of intensively managed fields making above 60 bushels per acre being reported. Test weights ranging from 60 lbs. to 64 lbs. per bushel. Harvest just getting a good start at these locations so no protein reports being made at this time. (Test cuttings and samples have been taken in at Hobart, Gotebo, Roosevelt, Sentinel, Rocky, Dill City and Cordell, but no actual reports being made until harvest starts in these regions.)
Greenfield-Early test weights being reported on one field making 58.5 lbs. per bushel. Protein was reported at 13%, no yields reported.
Okarche-Early cuttings reporting yields from 40 to 45 bushels per acre. Test weights reported at 61 lbs. to 62 lbs. per bushel. Protein reports on early cuttings coming in at 13.5%
Reeding-Early cuttings on a couple fields in this region had reports of yields making 45 to 50 bushels per acre. Test weights ranging from 60lbs. to 62lbs. per bushel. No proteins being reported on the early cuttings.
Early reports in all locations show test weights ranging from 60 to 65 lbs. per bushel. Proteins ranging from 10.5% to 13.5%, with an overall average of proteins being reported at 11.0% to 11.2%. The wheat being harvested in Southwest Oklahoma has not been stressed as much, so it is thought proteins will get higher as harvest progresses North where we have drought stress. Early yields being reported at 40 to 45 bushels per acre in most regions. Higher yields being reported on intensively managed wheat with some yields on a few fields being reported in the mid 60’s to low 70’s. The regions where this is being reported is considered the bright spot of the state for growing conditions this year. The state has received a large amount of hail damage in South Central, Southwest, and Northern, Oklahoma over the past two weeks. Producers are hoping future predicted storms for tonight and over the weekend subside. The next harvest report to be published will be Tuesday, May 28th. In honor of all the Veterans and Active Service members the Oklahoma Wheat Commission wants to wish everyone a Happy Memorial Day weekend!
Below, see the 6-10 day precipitation and storm potential outlook provided by the Oklahoma Mesonet.